Embody Your Soul

About KA Method®

The KA Method® is a spiritual healing modality that works with the ten key energy centers of your energy body to facilitate soul embodiment.

While Reiki focuses on the seven energy centers of your chakra energy system, the KA Method® focuses on the ten energy centers of your Tree of Life energy system, which incorporates the chakras and is known as the blueprint of your soul. Healing the energy centers of your Tree of Life restores all aspects of your being, reunifying body and soul, allowing you to fully embody your soul’s highest blueprint.

Reiki aligns with the Earth paradigm, while the KA Method® is designed for the New Earth paradigm. The New Earth is a higher vibrational reality characterized by the experience of peace, unity, and loving awareness. It offers absolute clarity, harmony, and full energetic sovereignty, where the individual is no longer influenced by karmic patterns but instead moves as a force of divine expression. The KA Method® is, therefore, a bridge through spiritual awakening into the embodiment of one’s cosmic soul potential.

This is a specialized healing technique that offers accelerated results, such as the regeneration of your health, the reclamation of your power, the restoration of inner peace, and the realization of your purpose.

The modality focuses on cleansing and purifying the energy body’s energy centers to activate its crystalline light potential, significantly increasing one’s vibration. By transforming the energy body into its light potential, one may ascend into higher-dimensional consciousness.

Each session offers profound healing, initiating you into a process of cleansing and purifying your energy centers that harbor outdated karmic patterns, limiting beliefs, emotional baggage, ancestral and past life trauma, blocked vital energy, and unwanted attachments to strengthen and restore balance to your energy system. Imbalanced energy obstructs your evolution, often manifesting as suffering. In working directly with your energy centers, you can transform in one session what it could take you lifetimes to achieve on your own.

What sets the KA Method® apart from other modalities is its unique focus on helping you achieve your Tree of Life energy system, which facilitates soul embodiment and ascension into the crystalline light body architecture essential to attain the New Earth, supporting you to achieve the 5th dimension and beyond.

“Blessed are those who wash their robes (cleanse their energy) for they will have access to the Tree of Life and may enter the new City (New Earth).” - Revelation 22:14

Benefits of The KA Method® May Include

  • Stabilize Healthy Energetic Boundaries

  • Reclaim Your Power

  • Restore Your Inner Light

  • Realize Your Purpose

  • Increase Your Vitality

  • Regenerate Your Health

  • Strengthen Your Energy System

  • Raise Your Vibration

  • Advance your personal and spiritual growth

  • Awaken latent spiritual organs of perception

  • Transmutation of detrimental energy into beneficial

  • Expansion in consciousness

  • Transitional support from a Fear-Based to a Love-Based Paradigm

Why Do the group Container?

The KA Method® group container is akin to a healing school. Along with the high-level healings, you are taught ancient knowledge on the Tree of Life —your multidimensional energy body— to support the blossoming of your innate wisdom.

An additional benefit of group work is that there is more energy, which serves to amplify and accelerate deeper and higher levels of healing for each individual. Where there is more energy and shared intention, there is greater power. Higher-dimensional spiritual guides can also work with groups, so the process becomes like a modern-day mystery school as the results tend to exceed expectations.

KA Method® 1:1 sessions work to relieve suffering within the personality, releasing personal karma patterns and transforming energy associated with the ‘Lower Self,’ such as emotional baggage and mental limitations, to accelerate personal development. This technique leads to spiritual development. Explore here.

KA Method® Group sessions provide accelerated spiritual development, as the increased amount of force achieved from the group dynamic provides a significant energetic charge to enhance the momentum of the group healing, often facilitating shifts onto more beneficial timelines, supporting incredible feats of holistic healing. After completing the group container, you may enter the Healer Training module.

Becoming a KA Method® Healer

After completing the healing module of the KA Method®, you may choose to enter Healer Training, see more below.


  • Dates: BEGINNING FEBRUARY 20TH, 2025

  • Time: 7am PST | 3pm GMT

  • Session: 75 minutes

  • Focus: 10 Energy Centers

  • Duration: 10 weeks

  • Energy Exchange: $999 USD

  • Location: Zoom Video Live Sessions (**All Sessions are Recorded)

The Tree of Life is the blueprint of your soul. Healing, restoring, and awakening its energy centers revitalizes your vitality and power, allowing you to unlock the potential of your energy and consciousness to live your purpose.

It is the map of your entire framework of self and most of its energy may lie dormant outside of your awareness, meaning you are not living your full potential. Once you restore your Tree of Life, you expand your self-awareness and while clearing outdated karmic imprints, mental limitations, emotional wounds, ancestral baggage, and much more, you also revitalize the amount of vital life force you receive to expand your capacity to live well.

The codes for your unique purpose lie within your Tree of Life, which connects body and soul. Untapping its potential is completely life changing, as you access once dormant qualities of your being, which may have been out of reach for lifetimes.

Grounding your Tree of Life upgrades your energy system and reconnects you with your soul, which feels like coming home to yourself. You also benefit from a restoration of your entire energy body, providing you with greater strength, and the feeling of coherent energetic boundaries.

The Tree of Life is also known as a map of the entire universal creation—’As above, so below.’ Learn the mysteries of your true nature, unleash your power, and remember ancient skillsets such as regeneration to enhance your health and uplevel your experience of reality.

Individuals who completed the module have gone on to discover and live their purpose, manifest miracles, and create their dream life. It is energy science—when you recover all of yourself, you restore your potential to do anything and be anything.

What You May Receive

  • Healing on each energy center to clear and transmute imbalanced energy that get trapped in its centers across lifetimes, ancestral lines, karmic patterns to activate each center’s higher-frequency potential

  • Protection and support behind the scenes to enhance your personal healing process

  • Advanced teachings on the Tree of Life to support your knowledge, along with transmissions of high-frequency energy to support the blooming of your innate wisdom

  • Re-alignment with your highest potential through the guided paradigm and higher-dimensional shifts that tend to occur throughout the container

What You May Learn

  • The wisdom of the Tree of Life and how it is the architecture of the universe and the blueprint of your individual soul

  • How the Tree of Life grounds into your present awareness to create a sense of wholeness and the achievement of soul embodiment

  • The words of power and codes to awaken the power of its energy centers

  • An original practice to charge the energy centers of your Tree of Life, inspiring greater vitality and a reclamation of your power as you reconnect with the cosmic forces of your being

  • How regaining your Tree of Life uplevels your energy body

  • & much more

Benefits May Include

  • Feeling like you have an empowered 'backbone' of inner strength and authority

  • Healthy boundaries are established

  • The deepest level of healing and clearing across karma, ancestral lines, past life, and trauma takes place (which is all anchored in your energy centers)

  • Developing coherence across the emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual aspects of yourself

  • Enjoying a sense of lightness upon completion

  • Clarity on your purpose and the increased vitality to live it

  • & much more...


  • Dates: August 1st - 6th 2025

  • Focus: Healer Training

  • Location: IN-PERSON RETREAT in Ireland | 1 spot left

Following the completion of the KA Method® Healing Module, you may decide to enter Healer Training. The KA Method® Healer Training is a transformative process of personal and spiritual growth designed to empower you to become an empowered channel between Heaven and Earth, capable of fully embodying your soul power and thus, living your purpose. You will be taught how to channel high-frequency energy and be supported to rise into your most authentic and sovereign self, at the full force of your personal and spiritual potential.

KA Method® Healers are like spiritual midwives, guiding others as they welcome their soul home to themselves. This sacred calling is realized through proper training, facilitating personal and spiritual development.

After completing the healing module, your coherent energy system will be capable of receiving and transmitting higher-voltages of energy in a safe and grounded manner, enabling you to support the healing process of others.

The Healer Training will provide further refinements your energy field, teach you shamanic practices for navigating higher dimensions, support you in cultivating your own power, attune you to the power of your soul, and provide advanced techniques for stabilizing your energy field, truly empowering you to share your unique medicine with the world.

What You May Receive

  • Activation of your crystalline light body

  • Initiation into your power— of voice, capability, and complete, wild, pure embodiment

  • Attunement to the violet flame

  • Connection to your significant spiritual guides

  • The sacred initiation to become a KA Method® Healer

What You May Learn

  • The KA Method® original healing process

  • How to sense the unseen

  • How to protect your energy field and your environment

  • How to stabilize your energy system to become a clear channel for higher frequencies

  • Shamanic and Spiritual Healing techniques

Benefits May Include

  • Awakening the power of your authentic voice

  • Developing your intuition and spiritual sense organs

  • An increase in your vitality and access to your unique ‘magic’

  • Ascension to the 5th-7th dimensions

  • Your energy system becoming coherent, like a temple on Earth, to empower your specific soul purpose



Following the completion of KA Method® Healer Training, you will likely be consciously aware of higher dimensions of reality existing here and now. The Ascension Temple is a sacred space that will be offered as a monthly container with live interactive sessions, providing living spiritual practices to support your continued integration of the New Earth paradigm here and now. By accessing 5D-7D frequencies in an embodied way you may experience:

  • Abundance, joy, peace, complete empowerment, sovereignty, trust, a deep, spiritual awareness, flow, manifesting with ease, realization of one’s soul purpose, working with higher beings, ascended masters, and pure spiritual principles & much more…

The KA® Method Ascension Temple will support you in integrating a living system of spiritual practices, remaining attuned to higher dimensions, providing advanced esoteric teachings on ascension, offering the support of high-dimensional spiritual guides aligned with supporting Earth's organic ascension timeline into the New Earth, and much more.

This is a space that can support your journey and evolution into 5D consciousness & beyond to attain pure divine service and multidimensional operation.

What You May Receive

  • Advanced esoteric teachings on ascension

  • A living system of practices to support and advance your spiritual development

  • Support of high-dimensional spiritual guides associated with supporting the organic ascension timeline to New Earth

  • Behind-the-scenes support on your own journey

  • “It’s hard to put into words my gratitude for Kalí Anne and her gifts and guidance. My experience with Kalí Anne through the KA Method has been amazing, life changing. Kalí Anne has helped me open my heart, my mind, and connect with my Soul. With her guidance I’ve not only been able to let go of what no longer serves me, but I am more connected to myself, nature, life, and Source/Spirit. There is a beautiful Soul within all of us that is connected to something bigger than ourselves and Kalí Anne has brought me closer to see this, and more aware of All That Is. I am forever grateful for her.” — Erin S.

  • “Kalí Anne has truly elevated and transformed my life for the better in every aspect. Not only in my relationship with myself, but also in my friendships, family, and career. Joining the KA Method guided me to finding my purpose and true happiness in all aspects of my life. I started by doing one-on-one sessions with Kalí Anne, and I then joined the KA method journey, which is where I could really feel the shift. Being in sacred space with her as a guide, alongside other like-minded women, has been a blessing, and made me not feel alone on my spiritual journey.” — Shayna T.

  • “The KA Method container played an integral part on my healing journey. I healed and transmuted places within me, that felt insurmountable and learned how to integrate parts of myself that were finally ready to be re-membered. I learned how to ride the waves of my emotions and unlock trapped and fearful parts of myself. I feel lighter, more peaceful, and a deeper connection to my purpose. My deepest gratitude to you Kalí Anne, for your heart and dedication, your wisdom and razor sharp clarity that you brought to every session. You are a beautiful, healer, leader and a true inspiration.” — Daniela P.

  • “I am forever grateful for the KA Method with Kalí Anne Kára as it has been a spiritual and holistic building block of healing like no other. I experienced a profound transformation, and through Kalí Anne’s guided support I really feel like I achieved alignment to my Soul and my heart’s deepest purpose.” — Stephanie P.

  • “After my experience in KA Method, I began to function at a new level of life experience. I could feel dark energy within me open up and release. I feel clean from my past and connected to my inner light. I feel grounded in my body. I feel full of awe and wonder at life, like I have been reborn. I feel in touch with my Soul and the universe. It has had a profoundly beneficial impact on me.” — Claudia L.

The Esoteric Background of KA METHOD®

The KA Method® was revealed to Kalí Anne Kára during an encounter with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades in 2020. Over the next five years, she meticulously developed this healing modality through ceremonial leadership, facilitating profound activations that anchored higher celestial frequencies into participants' energy systems. Those who completed the KA Method® experienced a transformation of their energy body into a higher-dimensional crystalline light body—an angelic architecture—awakening a higher dimensional state of awareness.

Through her work, Kalí Anne observed that the angelic architecture of the light body must be established before the soul can fully embody in the present form. She perceived this as a spiritual birth, witnessing the descent of the soul from higher realms into the transformed subtle body matrix. She also realized that many individuals on Earth remain unconscious of their disembodied soul, which patiently awaits those ready to reclaim it.

This revelation led her to understand that transforming one’s energy body is the key to soul embodiment and entry into the higher-dimensional New Earth paradigm, available now. She has consistently witnessed that once someone embodies their soul, they reclaim their power and begin to live in alignment with their highest purpose.

Further Information

The KA Method® is a spiritual healing modality designed to accelerate personal and spiritual development, facilitating soul embodiment. It works with the ten key energy centers of the Tree of Life energy system, upgrading the subtle energy body into the angelic architecture of its higher-dimensional potential.

Healers trained in the KA Method® will become awakened channels between Heaven and Earth, empowered to live their purpose and step into the New Earth, which exists here and now at a higher frequency. Acting as spiritual midwives, they will guide others in the realization and embodiment of their souls.

Healer Training activates the stabilization of the light body and awakens one's empowered channel, initiating the fulfillment of one's purpose. While Kalí Anne teaches the school to prepare healers, the modality itself is a transformational form of spiritual healing. The first in-person training will take place in August 2025 in Ireland. Whether or not you intend to become a healer, completing the training accelerates personal and spiritual evolution, optimizes the functionality of your energy system, and equips you with protection techniques and activations to support both your own ascension and that of others, should you feel called.

While Reiki is an energy healing modality for the Earth paradigm, the KA Method® is a spiritual healing modality for the New Earth paradigm.