WELCOME - Fáilte

If you feel it's time to reclaim your power and discover your purpose, know that you are welcome here. Kalí Anne Kára holds a sacred space where you are safe to deeply heal and will be guided back to your sense of wholeness and well-being. Here, you’ll be uplifted as you restore your energy to remember your inner Self. The original offerings inspire you to connect with the supreme authenticity of who you are, helping you to live well.

Reclaiming Your Sacred Power.

Do you find yourself asking, "Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?" Does suffering hinder your journey of self-discovery? Suffering often stems from energetic discordance, which can cause dis-ease and lead to symptoms of imbalanced energy such as depression, fertility challenges, illness, a lack of clarity, fear, feeling lost, drained, heavy, and other painful experiences. The answers to these existential questions lie within, along with the energy needed to transform discordance into harmony and dis-ease into wellness to regain exactly what you want in life. Profound transformation can be achieved by simply restoring and rebalancing your energy, shifting your perspective. It will seem as if miracles have arrived in your life, while really, it is energy science. This is what healing can offer you. The question becomes, are you open and willing to receive?

Work with Kalí

— Martina A.

Working with Kalí Anne was life changing in the most positive ways, I was filled with love. I will be forever grateful for her work and for opening and holding these spaces for me. I always felt that to reach this place I had to suffer and with Kalí Anne I learned that it can actually be a gentle process, an easeful release into this miraculous realm. She has a gift and the best part is that she is sharing it with others, she empowers you to find your own power within and that was the biggest gift she could ever give me. She showed me that it is all within me. 


Kalí Anne Kára serves as a Guide. Born with natural healing gifts and the Sight after inheriting the ancient Irish Druidic tradition of Celtic Shamanism from her grandmother, she was called to this path by others who recognized her ability to support their healing. Called an “Energy Shaman” by her esteemed Mentor, Dr. Robert J. Gilbert, she devoted ten years to intensive training, enjoying direct mentorships with Master Teachers in the realms of Shamanism, Vibrational Science, Vibrational Healing, Spiritual Science, Daoist Stone Medicine, Yoga, and the Healing Arts. She was also trained and initiated as a Celtic Medicine Woman and as a Priestess.

Her ability to guide people to profoundly deep levels of their inner world to heal and transform themselves has brought her clients from all over the world and led her to create a series of original offerings designed to help people empower themselves - to restore their energy so they may live their purpose. Clients often report a renewed sense of lightness following work with Kalí Anne.

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The Heal Your Energy Podcast is a show for people seeking self-healing and spiritual awakening. Each episode is a deep dive into decoding the mysteries of energy transformation, discussing insights on how to become an empowered energy alchemist capable of transmuting your pain into empowerment in our modern world.